The Round Lake school was started in a one-room log cabin on Round Lake on the Qu’Appelle River in 1884. It was remodeled in 1918, but in 1923 fire destroyed a number of classrooms. Inspection reports from the 1920s indicated the school was unsanitary and poorly heated. In 1935 three boys ran away from Round Lake; two made it home, but one froze to death. In 1949 the barn, a blacksmith shop, and three granaries burned to the ground. The following year, after being condemned by the Saskatchewan fire commissioner, the school was closed.

Remembering the Following Students:
Name | Date of Death (Year/Month/Day) |
Edith Prettyshield | 1935-11-27 |
Joseph Louison | 1934-05-30 |
Maud Tapewaywaypenasick | ca. 1914 |
Percy Ochapawace | 1935-01-13 |