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Organizational Partners

Each of the fifteen projects receiving a micro-grant must be developed and delivered in partnership with an organization. Either the participant(s) school or a community-based organization. The application must be submitted with a support letter from the school or organization. Funds will be channeled through the partner organization and financial reporting will also be the main responsibility of the partner organization.

As a partner, your organization assumes all legal and fiduciary responsibility for a project lead by youth. In order for an organization to participate as a partner in the Imagine a Canada micro-grant program, authorization must be granted by someone at the senior leadership level (such as the school Principal) and/or the Board of Directors, according to your organization’s policies and procedures.

Your organization should have the infrastructure to support the project and youth involved. This means ensuring that your organization has the capacity to contribute the staff time and energy required to provide administrative and program support in the planning, implementation, and reporting phases of the project.

Staff roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and articulated to the youth, participating staff members, and the NCTR. Providing basic infrastructure also pertains to providing the relevant financial and human resources policies, procedures, and parameters for the project. This includes items such as the insurance and liabilities coverage required to carry out the project safely and legally, with the organization able to assume any legal risks.

In addition to providing infrastructure support to the youth, partner organizations provide mentoring support and guidance throughout all key phases of the project. This is a key component of the learning experience offered to youth leaders. It is critical that your organization has the capacity and interest to mentor youth involved in the project. Mentorship should include supporting youth leaders with financial management, project planning, outreach skills, implementation strategies, reporting and follow-up. It can also include mentorship in specific areas of expertise depending on the experience, capacity, and interest of group members.

Responsibilities of an Organizational Partner:

  • Obtain partnership approval from Senior Leadership and/or Board of Directors
  • Provide required infrastructure
    • Time and energy to provide administrative support in planning, implementing, and reporting the project
  • Offer youth leaders mentorship and guidance

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NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.

Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.